Tim drake batman beyond joker
Tim drake batman beyond joker

tim drake batman beyond joker

This new beyond universe set up by Dan Jurgens gives us a glimpse of the kind of man that Jon grows up to be. Tim Drake Batman frees this worlds justice league which consists of the green lantern Kai Ro, Aquagirl, Barda, Warhawk, and Superman. So Tim acclimates to his new life in a futuristic, post-apocalyptic world where Neo Gotham is the only known established functioning city in the world. He cant go back in time because of the whole time travel paradox thing. His time line is gone, Terry Mcginnis is dead and he is totally lost. This is where Tim finally takes out Brother eye saving the world. The new Batman beyond, equipped with Jim Gordan’s Bat Mech suit, takes the fight to Brother eye’s base of operations on the moon. The veil eventually gets disengaged Brother eye attacked. The Wayne Powers company housed a device that created a veil around Gotham shielding it away from Brother eye. Brother eye enslaved the entire world except Gotham. This is when he finds out his plan went sideways. Thinking that he succeeded, Tim got thrown into the future. Tim went back in time to convince a younger brother eye to self-destruct.

tim drake batman beyond joker

This is when an aged Tim Drake takes on the mantle of Batman beyond. The problem is that he died in an attempt to do so. He returned to stop a malevolent AI called brother Eye from enslaving the world. This sets the platform for Terry Mcginnis to make is comeback as a starring role in a major DC event. DC head honcho Dan Didio stated that the futures end universe is a possible future for the main DC universe: 35 years to be precise. Remember this hot mess of a story? It was painful to read but I went through it again just so I can understand how it relates to the main DC universe and DC Rebirth. In order to understand Batman Beyond in DC Rebirth, first, I gotta take you back to Future’s end.

Tim drake batman beyond joker